Saturday, February 7, 2009


We went and saw Coraline last night and it was truly amazing. When you really stop and think about how they make it, it blows your mind. I can't imagine how tedious it must be. Rick's friend Brad says they'll work for 10 or 12 hours and only get seconds worth of frames for the movie. It was so awesome in 3D, it really made everything come to life. I loved it, and I thought the story was great too. Just remember, it can be scary at times, like the Nightmare Before Christmas, so don't take your little little ones to it if they're scared easily. But watching the plants in the garden grow, and the grass sway etc boggled my brain! It costs extra, since it's 3D, but I really thought it was worth it.
We found a YouTube video of Brad this morning and I think it's really cute. So here is our friend Brad Schiff talking about breaking puppets...

Brad's name was the very first name on the credits! So fun!
I also thought this video of the lady that knits all the miniatures was fascinating:

So go see Coraline, keep Laika busy :)
PS Shellee, we saw your brother in law's name!


Rebecca B said...

I came, I saw and am amazed by the miniature knitter!! That is crazy town!

Lauren said...

Right? Who would ever think you could have a career as a knitter of tiny puppet clothing?!